Black Ops 2

Black Ops 2
Platform: Playstation 3, Xbox 360
Style:1-Player Shooter (18-Player Online)
Publisher: Activision
Developer: Treyarch
Release: November 13th, 2012
This new edition to Call of Duty has many new features added to it. Custom Classes have been modified. Killstreaks have now become Scorestreaks. Many new weapons have entered the Plus there are many new Scorestreaks that will change the way the game is played.
Scorestreaks- In past Call of Duty games, everyone had Killstreaks attached to their classes, but now it has changed into Scorestreaks. The purpose of this was to help the gamers who played the objective and to help stop people from sitting in corners all game long.
As you can see, There are many new scorestreaks added into the game, but there are several ones that have made a comeback from previous Call of Duty's.
The RC-XD was seen in the first Black ops. It is a remote controlled car that can be remotely detonated.*325points
The UAV has been in almost every Call of Duty there is. Enemies will appear as red dots on the mini map. You now get assists on every kill your team gets while your UAV is up.*375points
The Hunter Killer is a drone that flies into the air and bombardes an enemy. *New*400points
The Care Package has been in many Call of Duty's and is a randomized killstreaks that you get from a crate that is airdropped.*450points
The Counter-UAV has been in many previous Call of Duty's, it jams the enemy's mini map.*475points
The Guardian is a turret that emmits heat waves and slows and can kill if the enemy is in its view long enough. *New*500points
The Hellfire Missle is like the previous preditor missle but has the option to fire multiple missles at once. *New*525points
The Lightining Strike is like the previous mortar strike, but it may be stronger. *New*550points
The Death Machine is a powerful minigun that spins up and has a large clip.*600points
The Sentry Gun has been in many Call of Duty's. It is a stationary turret the fires at enemies in its line of sight.*650points
The War Machine is like a large noob tube and the only noob tube in the Call of Duty. *New*700points
The Dragonfire is a remote controlled quadricopter that can remotely fire at enemies and blows up on when destroyed.*New*725points
The A.G.R. is like the remote controlled assault drone on Modern Warfare 3, but you have the choice to control it, or let it control itself.*New*800points
The Stealth Chopper is like a normal helicopter but does not appear on the mini map.*New*850points
The V/SAT is just like the blackbird from Black ops, but with a different name.*900points
The Escort Drone is a personal escort drone.*New*1000points
The Warthog is like the strafe run from Modern Warfare 3.*New*1025points
The EMP System has been in many Call of Duty's. It disables all enemy electronics.*1050points
The Lonestar is like the Reaper from Modern Warfare 3.*New*1150points
The VTOL Warship is like the escort airdrop from Modern Warfare 3.*New*1200points
The K9 Unit is a large group of attack dogs that come into the battlefield and tear your enemies to shreds.*1275points
The Swarm is hundreds of Hunter Killers that fly in the sky until the blow up a target.*New*1400points
Custom Classes have been designed to where you get ten points for a class. You can use the points anywhere you want. You could g balance, no gun all perks, all guns no perks, and more. Perks in Black ops will reduce camping due to perks being split up. For someone to stay stealthy they would need a minimum 3 or 4 perks. They utilized the setting of the future to add many new cool weapons and attachments.

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